Categories: Berita

Rain-gauge Network as the Basis of a Model to Predict the Beginning of the Planting Season in Facing Climate Change Effects. Case Study in the Kranggan Village, Sub-district of Pekuncen, Banyumas Regency

Rain-gauge Network as the Basis of a Model to Predict the Beginning of the Planting Season in Facing Climate Change Effects. Case Study in the Kranggan Village, Sub-district of Pekuncen, Banyumas Regency

Djoko Harmantyo1, , Eko Kusratmoko1, Sobirin1

Climate change is expected to affect agriculture in Southeast Asia, including in Indonesia in several ways. Temporal and spatial changes of rainfall which resulted in a shift in the early of the season indicate one of the climate change phenomenon. Early rainy season turned erratic causing no certainty the time of planting. Farmers suffer losses because the plant can produce not well. Daily rainfall data in a full year observation can be used to show when the beginning planting season. The purpose of this study firstly is to find the difference between the amounts of rainfall in different density of rain gauge. Secondly is to find variations in the spatial pattern of rainfall in different density of rain gauge. Total amount of rainfall observed data in tens day, namely dasarian rainfall, from July until December 2014 to be tested using Mann-Kendall method and by ANOVA. Rainfall data is processed by Arc-GIS software presented in a map to show variation of the rainfall spatial pattern. The research results showed that average of amount of the rainfall over the same areas is significantly difference between high rain-gauge density and low rain-gauge density. Shifting the early of the rainy season occurs about two weeks up from the general pattern of rainfall on the last of October.



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